Preparing the Shoalhaven LEP 2014 Preparing the Shoalhaven LEP 2014

Preparing the Shoalhaven LEP 2014

This page outlines the factors that have guided the preparation of the Shoalhaven LEP.

Department of Planning, Industry & Environment Guidelines

The Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPI&E) have provided a range of guidelines and considerations for the preparation of LEPs. The following links provide relevant information that have been prepared by DPI&E.

Planning NSW Website

LEP Practice Notes & Guidelines

Council Strategies

Council has prepared a range of long-term plans and strategies that guide development in Shoalhaven. Information regarding the following strategies can be accessed by clicking here.

  • Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan
  • Sussex Inlet Settlement Plan
  • Milton Ulladulla Structure Plan
  • Jervis Bay Settlement Plan

Preparing the Shoalhaven LEP 2014

The Shoalhaven LEP was prepared using the Standard Instrument template. The Shoalhaven LEP replaced the Shoalhaven LEP 1985 using a 'best fit' approach. Key information and documents relating to the citywide LEP process include the following files:

2013 Special Development Committee